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Goldwater Ventures Joins the Fight to Protect Blake Plateau

Greenville, S.C., August 19, 2024 – Goldwater Ventures, a leading cultural sustainability firm, has joined the preeminent coalition of organizations dedicated to the permanent protection of the Blake Plateau. This unique underwater ecosystem, whose key sites are located off the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, is not only an ecological wonder but also a site of deep cultural significance. Goldwater Ventures' involvement in this initiative underscores its commitment to preserving both natural environments and cultural heritage.


The Blake Plateau: Ecological Mega-System and Vital Cultural Resource

The Blake Plateau is home to the world's largest deep-sea coral habitat, featuring ancient coral mounds, floating Sargassum seaweed meadows, and nutrient-rich waters that support a diverse array of marine life. Among its inhabitants are endangered black-capped petrels, colossal sperm whales, and juvenile threatened sea turtles. However, the significance of the Blake Plateau extends beyond its ecological value; it holds profound cultural and historical importance for Afro/Indigenous communities, particularly the Gullah/Geechee people.


Blake Plateau is not only serves as a ecological system, but also a cultural resource of the highest importance to all Afro/Indigenous communities along the Atlantic coast. For the Gullah/Geechee people, the Blake Plateau represents the final leg of the Middle Passage, where enslaved West and Central Africans were forcibly transported to America. This underwater graveyard is a sacred site, serving as an ancestral resting place for those who perished during their forced journey. Thus, protecting the Blake Plateau is not just an environmental concern but also a vital act of cultural sustainability.


Goldwater Advocates for Blake Plateau Protections before Biden-Harris White House and Agencies

Goldwater Ventures has officially signed on to a critical sign-on letter sent on August 5, 2034, to President Joe Biden, advocating for the permanent protection of the Blake Plateau, an essential underwater ecosystem located offshore the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. This letter, co-signed by numerous organizations and supported by millions of members and online activists, emphasizes the urgent need to conserve the Blake Plateau, which is recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot and home to the world's largest deep-sea coral habitat.


In addition to signing the letter, Goldwater Ventures is partnering with the Healthy Ocean Coalition (HOC) to ensure the protection of the Blake Plateau. This collaboration aims to strengthen conservation efforts, focusing on the plateau's rich marine life and its crucial role in processing essential ocean nutrients. The Blake Plateau also holds significant cultural and historical importance, particularly as a site connected to the Middle Passage, making its protection a matter of both environmental and cultural preservation.


The signatories, including Goldwater Ventures, urge President Biden to use the power of his office to implement durable conservation measures that will prohibit commercial extractive activities and protect this unique marine environment for future generations. By safeguarding the Blake Plateau, the administration would be taking a significant step in conserving the region's extraordinary biological diversity and honoring its cultural significance.


Earlier this summer, Goldwater Ventures, in partnership with the Gullah/Geechee Nation and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), co-hosted "The Blake Plateau: A Southern Treasure," on June 5, 2024 at Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) 2024. The session brought together a distinguished panel of experts to discuss the ecological, cultural, and historical importance of the Blake Plateau, a vital underwater ecosystem located offshore the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida.


The discussion, moderated by Lisa Suatoni of NRDC, featured insights from key figures, including Queen Quet Marquetta L. Goodwine of the Gullah/Geechee Nation, James Delgado from Search Inc., Derek Sowers from the Ocean Exploration Trust, and Erik Cordes from Temple University. Together, they highlighted the plateau's unparalleled biodiversity, its cultural significance as part of the Middle Passage, and the pressing need for its conservation.


Goldwater Ventures' involvement underscored its commitment to protecting the Blake Plateau by fostering collaborations that bridge ecological care, environmental action, and cultural understanding. The session concluded with a strong call to action for the designation of the plateau as a marine national monument, ensuring its preservation for future generations. This event marked a critical moment in the ongoing efforts to safeguard the Blake Plateau, showcasing the power of partnership between environmental organizations and cultural communities.


Spotlight on The Culture Keepers Show: A Deep Dive into the Blake Plateau

 Goldwater Ventures, through its Culture Keepers MovemENT, leads the charge in cultural sustainability, with a focus on reviving and celebrating the lifeways of African-descendant, Indigenous, and Latiné/a/o/x communities. This initiative provides resources and support for ongoing cultural sustainability efforts within these communities, creating a dynamic platform for dialogue and action. The platform consists of The Circle, The Show, The Shop, The Fund, all supporting Culture Keeping in our target communities.


The Culture Keepers Show is a YouTube show, hosted by "Prince The Culture Keeper," that brings the stories of Culture Keepers from African-descendant, Indigenous, and Latiné/a/o/x communities to a broader audience. The show features in-depth interviews with individuals who are actively engaged in sustaining and promoting their cultural lifeways. Each episode delves into the unique challenges and triumphs of these Culture Keepers, offering viewers a deeper understanding of their work and its significance. Interviews and features highlight the diverse ways in which these individuals maintain their traditions, adapt to modern circumstances, and contribute to the cultural resilience of their communities. The Culture Keepers Show is designed to inspire, educate, and engage a wider audience, bringing the principles and practices of cultural sustainability into the public eye.


In the upcoming episode of The Culture Keepers Show, set to air on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, viewers are invited to explore the cultural and environmental significance of the Blake Plateau. This episode is hosted by A. Prince Albert III, Founder and President of Goldwater Ventures, who is also affectionately known as "Prince The Culture Keeper." Prince is joined by Charles L. Morrison, the inaugural Goldwater IMPACT Fellow, for an in-depth discussion that delves into the historical and cultural importance of the Blake Plateau for Afro/Indigenous communities.


The episode will explore the Blake Plateau’s ecological treasure and its profound cultural and spiritual significance to African-descendant and Indigenous people.  Prince and Charles discuss the profound cultural and historical importance of the Blake Plateau, emphasizing its role as a cultural and spiritual site for Indigenous peoples through time, especially the ongoing meaning for Gullah/Geechee communities. They highlight ongoing efforts to promote cultural heritage and environmental sustainability, showcasing how these efforts are intertwined. The pair explore strategies for involving younger generations in conservation and cultural advocacy, ensuring that these values are passed on to future generations. And, toward the end of the episode, Prince and Charles bridge urban and environmental planning disciplines, emphasizing the need for holistic conservation efforts that support cultural sustainability, emphasizing the importance of protecting this sacred underwater landscape.


Calls to Action

In addition to its media efforts, Goldwater Ventures has been actively involved in advocacy efforts to protect the Blake Plateau. In collaboration with the Healthy Ocean Coalition and other organizations, Goldwater Ventures recently co-signed a letter addressed to President Joe Biden, urging the administration to implement strong, durable conservation measures to protect the Blake Plateau from commercial extractive activities. This call to action highlights the need to safeguard the region's rich biodiversity and honor its cultural and spiritual significance.


Goldwater Ventures invites everyone to join the movement to protect the Blake Plateau and support the communities connected to this vital region. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Watch the Episode: Tune in to the latest episode of "The Culture Keepers Circle" on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, to gain a deeper understanding of Blake Plateau’s cultural and environmental significance.

  • Engage on Social Media: Follow Prince the Culture Keeper and the Healthy Ocean Coalition on social media to stay updated on initiatives and learn how you can get engaged and preserve our cultural and ecological resources.

  • Support Our Efforts: Consider contributing to The Culture Keeper Fund and The Healthy Ocean Coalition to help sustain ongoing work in protecting the Blake Plateau and other critical ecosystems.


Through these efforts, Goldwater Ventures continues to champion the preservation of cultural heritage and natural ecosystems, ensuring that treasures like the Blake Plateau are protected and celebrated for generations to come.



Goldwater Ventures, Goldwater Ventures Joins the Fight to Protect Blake Plateau (Aug. 21, 2024),



Goldwater Ventures, Goldwater Ventures Launches The Culture Keepers Movement (Aug. 7, 2024),


Goldwater Ventures, CHOW 2024: Gullah/Geechee Nation & Goldwater present Afro/Indigenous Cultural and Environmental Depts of The Blake Plateau (June 13, 2024),


Healthy Ocean Coalition,


National Resource Defense Coalition,


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